Masterenzo Mastering will do as much as possible to allow visitors to browse the website without sharing personal data. As far as personal data is being collected, this solely done to be able to provide optimum service.
What data is being processed
The contact form on the website of Masterenzo Mastering enables visitors to contact Masterenzo Mastering. On the form personal data like name, email address and phone number is collected. Besides that we need a physical address for invoicing.
Data transfer on the website of Masterenzo Mastering is always done through an encrypted Secure Sockets Layer connection (SSL).
Masterenzo Mastering uses Google Analytics to track website performance and to collect visitor insights. Where possible IP-numbers are anonymized.
How do we collect data
When the contact form on the website is sent or when you send us an email, all data is stored on the servers of our hosting provider TransIP.
Masterenzo Mastering has a legally required processing agreement with hosting provider TransIP.
How long do we store data
We store personal data only as long as necessary to provide optimum service for clients. In some cases it’s legally defined by tax agencies how long data is to be stored.
In accordance with the law users have control over data processed by Masterenzo Mastering. There is a right to view, alter or delete data used for contact purposes. When you request such action, send an email to Masterenzo Mastering.
If you have questions about the privacy policy of Masterenzo Mastering, please send us an email.
The website of Masterenzo Mastering uses cookies. These cookies are necessary to ensure a complete browsing experience.
Masterenzo Mastering collects a minimal amount of data for third parties like Google Analytics. Processing of that data is anonymized.
The content of this website is protected by copyright. Duplication or replication, distribution or any other form of exploitation is prohibited and requires permission from the author or maker. Downloading and copying pages is only permitted for domestic and non-commercial use. In case content is not coming from the author or maker, this is marked as such and permission has been granted for use of the material on the website of Masterenzo Mastering.